WNistheartrate(WHR)techmology measures heart rate via LEDs that track blood fow in your wrist.This means that you can see your heart rate data during yourexerise or in dlly use wihout a chest heartratestrap.The writ HR technology in thefollowing Sunto watches is provided by Valencell.nc. Sunto 9, Sunto 9 Baro,Sunto 7.Sunto 5. Sunto 3.Sunto 3Finess,Sunto Soartan SportWirist HR Baro.Sunto Spartan Trainer Wrist HR.Sunto Spartan SportWrist HR.
To remove build-up oflotions and ils such as sunscreen, insect repellent and moistuizers) that can be rpped beneath the strap.use mid hand soap,rinse thoroughlyand drv well with a towel
WMearing your watch long-tem on the same wit may iriate your skin. Let your skin rest on a regular basis,by taking your watch ofon swithing the watch to the otherwrist Please note: llegenic substances like fruft juice, raw potato, celery abumen.com, beans,peas,sealood, nuts, soy wol etc., and abrasive substancs like dus.sand and some skin lotions trapped under strap may cause severe skin irritation very quickly.
During dailly use
Wear your Suunto watch at least 1 finger above your wrist bone andmake sure the watch is snug on your wrist. Your watch should alwaysmaintain a contact with your skin,so that you can't see the light shiningfrom the sensor.
During exercise
Test the fit - the key is to wear the watch as high up on your wrist aspossible, and to prevent it from sliding down during exercise.A goodindicator is to wear it about 2 fingers above your wrist bone.Again, makesure you wear the watch tight and evenly against the skin, however nottoo tight to cut off blood circulation.